Saturday, September 5, 2015

Adult life

I've had a lot of dreams about being back at the club lately. I've been working an office job for the last 6 months. It's a real "adult" job - I wear professional clothes, park in a parking garage and work in an office in a high rise building in the city. I have a desk and go to conferences and turn in expense reports at the end of the month. I hate it. Every Sunday evening the dread sets in, though by Monday morning it's turned to resignation and boredom. I suppose this is how most adults feel. I can't pretend that I was happy as a stripper...I mean, at first I was but the shelf life is short for that job and by the end I was somewhat of a mess. I'm still living with knuckles - we're attempting to buy a house early next year. We both work decent jobs, yet our income is less than anything I've ever had to deal with. The realization that I can't just go to work and have $700 cash the next day is a tough one.

The day before I had my interview with my current job I got a call from an unknown number. I was actually shopping for some professional outfits when I feel my phone vibrating in my purse. I look at the number and it's a local one, but it doesn't ring a bell. I answer, expecting it to be someone from one of the many jobs I had applied for. Instead the person on the other lines greets me using my stripper name - "uhh hey, who is this," I stutter. It was someone from my old club - he's opening a club that happens to be near where I live now, though he doesn't know this. He asks if I'm still working at the old club and I tell him no. He says he'd love for me to work at his club and tells me a bit about it. He says he'll pay my license fee and that the grand opening is this Saturday. I tell him I might take him up on his offer and ask who I should ask for if I go to apply. The next day I get my current job and I never show up to the grand opening of the club. I do pass their billboard on my commute home.


John Dantzer said...

What issue of playboy were you in?

Anonymous said...

Give up the dude not stripping!!! It's the best thing on this planet. It seems like a sociopath would give up the guy before the conveniently glorious life of an entertainer. Good luck love yourself

Bathwater said...

Welcome to the boring routine of being an adult. It sucks. My only words of advice; don't over extend yourself and don't become dependent on Knuckles. It is part of a a woman's nature to second guess decisions. Don't be that way.

Someone Else said...

please start writing again, love how much you're honest about :)