Friday, February 21, 2014

Back to the Grind

Worked Wednesday, yesterday, and will be working tonight. My life is completely identical as it was 4 years ago, except for my ga tech diploma sitting on my dresser still in its cardboard tube.

Wednesday was decent, has a vip at the very end of the night with one of my old customers from back in the day. Last night was horrible. I got demoralized very early on in the night and never recovered. I definitely spent more than 1/2 my work hours in the dressing room playing phone games. I blew .00 on the breathalyzer both nights. Reminds me of my early stripping days where I was actually nicknamed double zero by the house mom because that's what I always blew. I'm thinking (hoping) tonight will be good. I think I have a customer who does 1 hr vips coming in; I really need that to pan out!

The club is the same but different. The girls are...not as pretty as I remember. The hiring standards seem to have fallen. Most people would think this would be a good thing for...less trashy looking strippers...but unfortunately with the trash-tastic look also comes more raunchy behavior. It's hard to convince a guy to get a second dance from you when there's some girl doing a solid 3 minutes of dick bouncing within his field of vision. Plus I'm just not back in my stripper groove yet. I still have approach anxiety - but that will disappear with more hours logged in the club.

Knuckles is dealing alright so far, but I can tell it is only a matter of time before things come to a head. One thing I learned from my time with the Mexican is that quitting my job will not ensure a functional (monogamous) relationship, and will lead to heavy drinking and depression.

I'm attending a festival on Saturday; the same festival that ended in me being strapped to a gurney and hospitalized a few years ago. Definitely not going down that road again. I actually haven't had a drink since last Saturday come to think of it.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

White Valentine's

So I worked last night- Valentine's day of course.

Things are still going strong with knuckles, but he had to work today due to all the snow/ice that's been hanging around. When I got home from work last night he had completely decorated my whole apartment for Valentine's day. Balloons, streamers, fiber optic  light thingies - it was cheesy but cute.

The Mexican texted me yesterday to ask what I was doing that night...Um. We do talk quite a bit. I can't explain our weird bond. I'm pretty sure it's predicated on our lack of good decision making and need for instant gratification. He will invite me over and then as the evening progresses and  he becomes more inebriated his text messages become more sad and convoluted. I hope he figures things out.

Work was...well how it always is I guess. I didn't make much money; $300 to be exact. We had far more girls than we usually have on Valentine's day and a typical, but vastly smaller, Friday crowd.

The highlight, and by highlight I mean most rage inducing moment, of my night was when a little Colombian man grabbed my hand and shoved a baggie of coke in it. Just put it right in there. Didn't ask if I wanted to 'party' or make any inquiries as to my drug proclivities...I guess his thought process was 'stripper---->likes coke'. Normally I would have welcomed a little pick me up on a slow Friday, but his manner of bestowing his drugs on me pissed me off and I pretended to stick the baggie in my bra while actually dropping it on the floor.

Of course I drank too much and blew a .16 which necessitated a cab ride home further depleting my meager earnings. If I hadn't been late (late fine!), and hadn't been a drunk (cab fare!) I would have probably gone home with ~$400 which in these times of financial stress would have satisfied me.

I did contact some of my old regulars, and while none of them could make it in last night, they will be paying me visits in the future so at least I can count of some money in the upcoming days.

I can't wait for Hawaii!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Back to reality

I bit the bullet and got my job back at the club tonight. It was out of necessity; I am hemorrhaging money. I start back Friday. Apparently Fridays are now theme nights and this Friday's theme is Egyptian (blue & gold). The house mom said I could basically just do my eyes in blue and gold and that would count. I saw my favorite bouncer when I stopped in tonight; I was so worried I'd be embarrassed to resort back to stripping but no one seemed disappointed or judgmental.

I'm not sure how knuckles is going to handle it. I've informed him and he seems to be justifiably concerned/bothered, but it's not a deal-breaker so far. We'll see what happens when I get back into the full swing of things.

One of the main reasons I returned is that I'm moving to Hawaii in June (with knuckles if things don't go sour). Hawaii is expensive and I doubt I'll have a job set up there when I move. I do actually have another job at the moment, but it's only part time and I'm making $400-$600/month, so basically restaurant and bar money.

I'm excited to work again for entertainment reasons mostly. We'll see.