Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A door closes and a window opens - shit-wad edition

After I had to cancel my Charleston money making extravaganza I was feeling...hopeless. No job, no money, no anything. I continued to flail around pathetically on the webcam sites, making $50 a night if I was lucky.

On one lonely night one of my 3 loyal regulars starts mentioning meeting up with me. He lives only a state away and wanted to come see me when I danced in Charleston but we were both thwarted by the hurricane. He suggests that we meet at a hotel halfway and wants 3 hours of my time. I made it clear to him that it would be private dance only and he doesn't seem to mind.

Obviously meeting up with randoms at hotels is dangerous but I had a good feeling about this guy and I wasn't in the financial position to turn such an offer down. We arrange the meeting and it's set. I leave 30 minutes after my boyfriend goes to work and return before 11:00 pm $1,300 richer. He was just as tame as I expected him to be - mostly a needy emotional mess (some how my specialty even though I'm ill-equipped to deal with those).

Of course it is only a momentary fix - fuck, I used to make more than that in a week and it was nothing. Still, it will get us through the month and has alleviated my anxiety for a few days. I passed the first stage of my Wednesday interview and have to go in tomorrow for stage 2. This will be take...4 (?) at attempting a normal job. I was supposed to cam tonight but just didn't feel up to it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Back at it...well, trying

So I've held some legit jobs and all that jazz but life happens and I happen to be BROKE. I had the marvelous idea that I would go back to stripping - not just stripping in my boring home town, but stripping in a city a few states away! Because that's guaranteed to be profitable and awesome. So I had everything set, bags packed, hotel booked, snacks bought (important), gas tank filled...and then at the last minute I decided to check the weather. It was mostly to make sure the clothes I packed would be temperature appropriate, but I soon found out that there was a fucking hurricane on track to hit the city and it was being evacuated the day I was set to arrive. Shit. Fuck. Luckily I was able to cancel my hotel reservation but my "make enough money to pay the bills this month" plan was ruined.

I have a job interview Wednesday of next week so hopefully that goes well but I'm so far behind now I feel like stripping is the only way I can catch up financially. I have been doing the webcam shit on and off for the last few months but it sucks. A bunch of teenage boys who spend all day online and only like 18 year old girls who wear cat ears and love pokemon.

I'm still with knuckles but I think his patience wears thin and I am sick of having to arrange my behavior around him.

Not sure what to do at this point but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
