Tuesday, May 6, 2014


It's been a while...I don't really work very often, maybe once or twice a week - if that. I'm in the process of starting my own business (yay), and I'm just not in 'work mode'.

The last work night of note I remember was a few weeks ago. I was bugging the bouncer about wealthy customers and he finally threw me a bone and introduced me to a young dude and his friends who I guess comes in often. He told me he just wants a girl to party and get drunk with him, and what do you know, that's my m.o. We go to the upstairs vip - the drug room - and almost immediately there's a line of coke in front of me. I snort without hesitation; it has been a while. The waitress comes in and shares a few lines. Somehow we end up talking about his ex girlfriend who used to work there and the whole 3 hours is a blue. I leave $900 richer ( I only charged $300/hr considering how generous and easy it was).

I call knuckles to pick me up. He does. He's mad. As usual. We're still living together - four months strong - we'll see.

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