Friday, December 12, 2008

I lost my underwear...

So Wednesday night didn't go as well as planned. My VIP was not there when I showed up-which led me to sit with this young-ish guy from Jacksonville which led me to 8 or so shots of Grey Goose, which led me to the dressing room calling an ex, which led me to said ex's house...and yeah. Such an awful irresponsible stripper I am. Then I had to do the walk of shame the next morning to retrieve my keys from the club so I could get my precious car back. Not to mention the VIP did show up (late) but my drunk ass left without collecting my $200. Oh well. That was my fourth consecutive night in a row worked, so I was obviously burnt out or something.

Plus I lost my favorite bottoms in my drunken stupor.

The other night I was dancing for this guy on the floor (as in NOT in VIP) and at the beginning of my second dance he tells me "sometimes I cum a little by accident; I don't mean to and I'm sorry but it happens," after which I stepped back a good two feet and replied "no problem, baby" in my sweetest voice. Lame fucker.

There's a fine line between showing enough appreciation for my services and showing too much appreciation. Cash is my favorite form of appreciation and is infact required no matter what. Other than that an erection is acceptable-even expected in VIP-and I may internally feel somewhat disappointed if one is not achieved. Ejaculating is not ever flattering, it's just gross. So if any customers or potential customers are reading this (they're not), keep that in mind please. You'll be able to maintain the iota of respect I may have for you.

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