Friday, October 22, 2010

My first night in a clean club (ha)

Last night as my fellow strippers and I were about to leave the dressing room the house mom stops everyone and tells us she has two announcements.

First, the dressing room is being renovated (YAY) so get all your ho shit out of your locker.

Second, in an effort to clean up the club the rules concerning floor dances are going to be strictly adhered to. If a floor man sees your breaking the rules you'll be sent home.

Now, if you know anything about atlanta strip clubs you'll know that the law here dictates that all floor dances must be completed 6 inches away from the customer and no contact is allowed. This means; no grinding, two feet on the floor at all times, no leaning against a customers chest, no sitting on laps, no boobs in face shakes...etc. If you know anything about atlanta strip clubs you'd all know that these rules are generally disregarded.

It had gotten especially bad in my club as of late. You'd see girls grind for an entire song out on the floor. That's what VIP's for dammit.

So, after this announcement we all head out to the floor. At first you see no dances going on. Then I get summoned to do a dance. Only then did I realize how many rules I'd been breaking with my dances, and I'm a relatively clean dancer. Hmmm, going to have to incorporate some new moves into my dances.

As my friend and I look around we notice some girls haven't changed their ways at all. Do I see any girls sent home or even given a warning? NO. Basically I'm going to go ahead and bet that nothing changes.

While I'm proud of my club's half-assed attempt to clean itself up, I really wish they had started with more important issues like the girls who suck and fuck in the back or use to the club as a prostitute dating center.

I decided last night that I wanted to be a 'floor man' (bouncer). I took over the front door floor guy's post for a while. The club must have been really dead 'cause they didn't even tell me to quit hamming it up and pretty much let me be floor guy for a night.

At the end of the night I asked the manager how I could procure a floor guy position and he looked at me and laughed. Oh well.


Charlene said...

It would seem the club does not promote from within? Are only men allowed to do the floor "man" job? Hmmmm.

Race said...

My ex directed me to your blog for the first time today. I met her as I was DJ'ing at a club in Orlando and she worked there as well.........She's continuing her fine career now in Sarasota as we remain friends.....She was bored and typed in "alcoholic stripper" and up came your blog. She nearly has it completely committed to memory, but then again she lives it nearly every night as well........Or should I say, two or three nights a week. She's very motivated.

SHe asked me to take a look at what you had to say. I have to say that it took me right back in a matter of paragraphs.

It seems as if your writing is at least somewhat cathartic for you. I'm sure I'll check in on you again in the near future.

Good luck with the floor "man" job!

Race said...

My ex directed me to your blog for the first time today. I met her as I was DJ'ing at a club in Orlando and she worked there as well.........She's continuing her fine career now in Sarasota as we remain friends.....She was bored and typed in "alcoholic stripper" and up came your blog. She nearly has it completely committed to memory, but then again she lives it nearly every night as well........Or should I say, two or three nights a week. She's very motivated.

SHe asked me to take a look at what you had to say. I have to say that it took me right back in a matter of paragraphs.

It seems as if your writing is at least somewhat cathartic for you. I'm sure I'll check in on you again in the near future.

Good luck with the floor "man" job!