Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pretty pretty

Work went surprisingly well for me last night. I didn't drink (too much), I got a vip, and I did lots of very clean dances. I didn't make a ton of money, but I made enough.

I've lost some weight, so I think that may have something to do with it. I always feel a bit more confident when I'm skinnier. I've been taking this fatburner stuff, and while I'm skeptical about its fat burning ability, it does kill my appetite. In fact, it depletes me of my appetite so well that I've taken to smoking weed in order to make food appealing and tasty enough for me to eat it.

Actually I've been smoking a lot lately because I'm finally starting to appreciate my weed buzz.

The pill also gives me a weird but awesome buzz when combined with a bit of alcohol (it does say not to use alcohol while using it), which has upped my productivity at work.

I hung out with another stripper friend of mine on Friday. We went halloween costume shopping for work in the hippie district of my city. Then we went to the liquor store and rented Barbarella because I had never seen it. My friend got pretty trashed and was hitting on me so that was a bit awkward. She has a fiance so I don't know what's up with that.

It seems that most of my female friends try and sleep with me. I'm the least sexual person alive and no one seems to notice.

Haven't talked to the ex in ages. It's a good thing. I guess.

Anyways, the girl I hung out with is on alcohol restriction at work (she's more of an alcoholic than myself) so she's been in a bad mood at work lately due to her sobriety.


H said...

sometimes it's easy to hit on asexual people because being rejected by them is biz as usual, while being rejected by a sexual person can tear your heart out.
also, people who are contemplating monogamy for life tend to want to do all the freaky shit they think they will deny themselves later.

Trish said...

What's the fatburner stuff?

Trish said...


John Dantzer said...

Don't get too skinny, or else you'll turn into a mime. Money decrease.