Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Like it used to be

Tonight reminded me of the old days.

Made $600 with minimal effort, like I should.

I had one half-hour vip with another girl and two guys. They were young, and pretty cute. Especially mine. I generally date guys a bit older than myself because... I don't actually know why... but I have to admit that there's something about the younger guys that's appealing. They're so...healthy. And more innocent. Also, appreciative. You'd think the older guys would be more appreciative seeing as they're old and less physically attractive, but no. Old guys (at least the ones I date) take me for granted.

The rest of my money I made off working the floor. I was fairly drunk most of the night (as I said, like the old days) but managed to sober up in time to drive.

My last customer of the night was a wacko. He was fuuuuucked up on coke and just really out there. He would tip me on stage by arranging dollar bills in a very precise pattern on stage. He also kept talking about living in a tent and joining the army.

The ex tried to hang out with me this weekend but I was out of town. I think (know) I need to end it with him. I think I'm going to text him something along these lines next time he tries to hang out,

"I already told you I don't want to be one of your fuckbuddies and that seems to be exactly what you're after so I don't see a reason for us to hang out. Cheers."

Yes? No?


Bathwater said...

Make sure not to include a shot of your boobs to really drive the point home ;).

H said...

not wanting to be someone's fuck buddy is not empowering enough. you need to declare what it is you want. something active, not passive. own your power. think of this because i believe it's really important. you know - i want you! i want a happy loving home. i need a man who will love and respect me...
anyway, i have found this to be much more clear and effective.