Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stupid friends

Most of my friends suck.

I knew this already but I've decided to do something about it. Call it a social experiment if you will.

I'm going to ignore everyone for a while. Well, everyone who doesn't answer phone calls/respond to my texts in a timely manner. I can have friends who would be thrilled to hear from me and be at my beck and fucking call but instead I have dumbass aloof fucking 'friends'. No more.

I worked Tuesday and Wednesday (and tonight!). Tuesday was shit but I was sober enough to drive my car home.

Wednesday was substantially better but I was too drunk to drive my dear car home.

Hung out with the Ex Thursday and it was boring. We didn't have sex, which at this point is all I really want from him because I like the way he looks but everything else about him annoys me.

I found a place to live!!! I'm living with my old bartender from work...It's going to be good times.

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