Monday, December 30, 2013


So I had my date last night...It went well I guess. I slept with him. I think it was mostly to get over the Mexican. Who of course texted me last night. Dudes have some weird sense that tells them when the girls they used to fuck have moved on and always decide to initiate contact at that time.

New dude, who I'm gonna refer to as knuckles, is kinda sweet. I don't really like him yet - it takes me a few months to warm up to people. He has tattoos on his arms, shoulder and knuckles. Never thought I'd date a guy with knuckle tattoos. He has a crazy past - ex drug dealer, served some time in jail, partied too much...but he's 32 now and seems to have chilled out a lot. He wants me to meet his brother and his brother's wife this friday. Seems to be a little fast. We're hanging out tomorrow for new year's eve. My cat likes him. I still miss the Mexican, but I hope I will warm up to this new dude.

1 comment:

Bathwater said...

In your case I'd suggest giving it some time. I think it can take a lot to break through the barriers some of us put up.

If he is willing to pound at them with those knuckles, he will be happy he did.