The past week has been quite chaotic. In a good way, really. Well, sort of.
The Mexican and I are no longer together. I found out the other day that he most likely cheated on me. With an acquaintance/friend. It gets even better. This girl, my roommate and me went out to a trendy Mexican restaurant the other night. My roommate and I wanted to go out afterwards and we invited the girl, but she claimed she needed to get home to do some homework.
Well, I found out the next day that she went and hung out with the Mexican. She left the restaurant to go hang out with a man she knew was my boyfriend. Absolutely ridiculous. I guess the Mexican forgets that his roommate is dating my roommate, so pretty much anything he does gets back to me.
I confronted the Mexican when I found out (though to be honest, our relationship was pretty much over at this point anyway), and of course he claims they're just friends and coworkers, and they just went to a bar with his neighbors and smoked some weed. I don't buy it.
Anyways, of course when I went to confront the Mexican last night after work (at the club), we ended up having sex, which was a stupid decision, but in all honesty I don't have any sort of actual feelings for him anymore, so I don't think it's a huge deal.
I also worked on Saturday, and made $900. Nothing too interesting happened at work, but afterwards I went with some other girls to a greek restaurant with the owners and a bunch of their friends. We had a few more drinks, some awesome food, and broke a bunch of plates while yelling "OPA!". I started to feel bad about all the plate breaking, so I took a few of the unbroken plates home with me. They're perfectly good plates!
On Sunday I left to go stay a night in a cabin with The Ex and two other people we used to hang out with. I told him beforehand that there would be absolutely no sex, and there wasn't. Not for his lack of trying, but I'm honestly not attracted to him one bit anymore. It's weird because 2 or 3 years ago I would have sworn that my life would never be the same without him, and I'd never stop being in love with him. I guess time really does heal all.
Work last night was pretty good for me, even though it was an exceptionally slow night. I got two super easy vips, and little asian man was in.
Having tons of excess cash is great. I missed it so much. I went and got new tires on my car today! It's nice being able to do that and not worry about the money.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
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Will you post on how you got over the man you were in love with? I need help.
If I weren't a bbw, I would be on that pole as we speak. $900. That's crazy and you aren't even like in a big city. On True Life this one girl was struggling to make $100. Wth is up w/ that?
Well, it was a far quicker process than previous break ups, that's for sure.
I suppose because of what I found out he did, it made is easier for me to write him off as a scumbag or dishonest, so there's not a feeling of 'oh, he was a good guy, what went wrong?', or more precisely, 'what did I do wrong?'.
Also, I've been pretty busy lately with 3 jobs, travel, maybe I haven't even really processed everything yet, and the sadness is still to come.
As for stripping, I put a lot of effort into my appearance, which is a huge part of making money. Sure, hustling and 'personality' is great, but looks get your foot in the door.
I stay skinny, tan, keep my hair and nails perfect, spend a lot on makeup and accessories-hell, I even got plastic surgery to improve my looks.
So while it's not a lot of hard work like being a heart surgeon is hard work, there is a lot of effort and upkeep that comes with the job.
Not to mention the dealing with the downsides, like drugs and alcohol, being objectified for a living, stressing about whether you're going to make tip-out.
Plus, I don't make $900 most nights. My average is ~$500, and there have been nights where I've left with less than $100. It's a roller coaster!
Greek restaurants have plates specifically for breaking while dancing, drinking Ouzo and yelling "OPA"! No need to feel bad
I really appreciate your response.
Hopefully you never cry over the Mexican. Really, it seemed like he was not making you happy. He came off as a scrub haha LOL.
Gosh even 500 a night is REALLY GOOD MONEY. Is your club really upscale?
If I weren't a hairy size 14/16 woman of color, I would be up in an upscale club right now.
I am going to put more of an effort into my appearance with Sugaring. Do you have Sugar Daddies?
Again, thank you so very much Socio!
You do make the job sound a lot easier than I know it can be. The stress, the "job" can get wear you down after a while.
Tinkerbell and I were talking about it, she was thinking of going back, she was talking about herself as the old veteran at 24.
hi sociopathic stripper,
why do you say yr a sociopath? i have a hard time believing it because things you say in yr posts indicate to me compassionate feelings.
i was once a sociopath. it took me almost 70 years to work through it, but i did. i know some think that such a recovery is impossible, but i'm here to tell ya', it ain't.
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