Monday, September 6, 2010

cos(stripper skill)

Man tonight was a piece of shit disappointment. I was hoping it'd be good 'cause I worked labor day weekend last year and made over $500 all 3 nights I worked but that was not the case this year.

Meth guy was in tonight (the guy who I did meth with last valentine's day) and I danced for him but refused his drugs. This is odd because normally I don't say no to free drugs (wasn't meth this time, he had molly and tabs) but I decided to exercise some willpower on this fine evening.

We were up in room 7 with two other strippers and two other customers. One of the customers was a female that I swear looked like a tranny. Then she took off all her clothes and danced for meth guy. It was awkward and I kept trying to see if she had any sign of a penis. I always feel girls who are have her sort of shape. Absolutely no hips and no ass and very little body fat. So unfeminine.

Then I danced for this guy who was wearing the thinnest basketball shorts ever with no underwear so I could feel his tiny sharpie dick on my butt for much of the dance. Seriously guys who do this are pathetic and we're pretty much always laughing at your mini penis to ourselves. We even make fun of it in the dressing room with the other girls.

I think I'm becoming a shittier stripper as time goes on. My skill level as a stripper is somewhat parabolic in nature. Start out crappy, a year or so in hit your peak and then it's down hill from there. Maybe it will end up as a trigonometric function, and there will be multiple peaks and valleys.

I've been obsessed with bell peppers lately. I bought 5 this morning and have eaten three of them already. I always crave the weirdest shit. Always vegetables.

The ex texted me last night at 3:30 am. He asked what I was doing...and told me that he's going to tennessee to climb and coming back monday evening. Sort of odd for him. I think I sent him a few drunken text messages on Friday night but I compulsively delete all my incoming and outgoing texts after I get/send them so I don't know.

I do know that a friend of mine sent him a message on facebook telling him he needs to 'treat me like a princess' and a bunch of other shit. I swear I'm not 14 years old.

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H said...
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