Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mr. California

So there was this guy that I met last September (2008) that I am pretty sure was my soulmate. Anyways, I was looking at pictures of him on myspace and I noticed he's sporting a ring on his marriage ring finger, so fuck that.

I'm working tonight and I have high hopes. I worked the Sunday-Monday-Tuesday before new year's eve lineup last year and had an excellent week. Probably going to be another case of go in with high hopes, leave dejected a la last Wednesday.

On another note, I somehow turned on the overwrite function so now whenever I need to fix something in my entry it overwrites the next letter and I have to retype everything. Any idea how to fix this?

1 comment:

Bathwater said...

There is no such thing as a soulmate (sorry just my feelings on this topic) but there are better matches then others.

Can I suggest getting out maybe a little bit more? If you are looking at guys from a year ago I am sure your eyes are not open to the potential good guys around you.

Good luck tonight. Glad to see you writing more keep it up. Now we just need to get you out there commenting. Try hitting the insert key top right next to the delete key to fix your problem. :)