Sunday, August 31, 2008

All rolls.

So I worked at a different club this past Friday, and it was definitely an interesting experience. I haven't quit my other club or anything drastic (and I don't intend to), but there were some extenuating circumstances that I can't even discuss on here that lead to the temporary switch.

This club was a lot smaller, there were maybe 15 girls on a Friday night, as opposed to 30 or 40. The interior of the club was very nice, and clean. Probably the cleanest club I've ever set foot in. The manager was absolutely adorable and super friendly, albeit a bit skeezy. There was only one customers. From 9:00-10:30 there were maybe 3 customers total.

I spent this time sitting at the bar wishing I were anywhere but there. Finally the club started to fill up (who am I kidding, there may have been a total of 10 custies), so I got off my lazy ass and tried to make some money. I sold one 30 minute VIP, and did a few dances, and left with a grand total of $240.

I have a bad feeling that I was the highest earner of the night.

I caught some static from the other girls (for obvious reasons). I'm not sure if I just happened to work an exceptionally slow night, or if that's the norm.

Well, the club's been up my ass ever since. I've gotten numerous texts (!) and calls inquiring about whether I'm coming in or not. Fuck, the DJ practically shit his pants when I tipped him $20. I can't remember the last time I've tipped my other DJs less than $20.

Plus the girls there are a whole lotta crazy. I can't blame them, working there would cause me to go insane as well. One particularly drugged out bitch started telling me this story about a guy who shoved his dick in her mouth and came in VIP, which I'm sure was absolutely made up, but entertaining none the less. She also had the good nature to inform me that if the manager asks about drug use to only mention 'the non-addictive shit, like rolls'. Yeah, I'm sure you're really pulling the wool over his eyes. What a crazy industry.

On a better note, I'm off to Paris in 2 weeks!

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