Saturday, July 12, 2008

No new couch for me.

So, I got my first sugar daddy offer. Well, less of a sugar daddy offer and more of a "have sex with me once a week and I'll pay you well for it" offer. The guy was pretty obnoxious in VIP, so he's not really the ideal person for this sort of thing. Matter of fact, I felt like I was at the gynecologist the entire time. I guess I'd prefer that to feeling like I'm at the petting zoo dressed in grass flavored newspaper.

Lickers are the worst. Not only for me, but for themselves. They have no idea where I've been. And do they really think it's enjoyable for me? They must, because they act so surprised and offended when I tell them that they're going to have to keep their tongues in their mouths.

Honestly, it's a lucrative deal. If I could get $500 for one hour of sex once a week, that's not bad. Too bad I'm not willing to face prostitution charges and federal prison for an extra 500 a week. An extra 500 that could buy me a new couch, or flat screen TV. Fuck.

I'm so very excited about moving into a one bedroom apartment. I adore my roommate, but she's a pig. I'm pretty sure there are fruit fly larvae in a pan that she left of the stove. And there's some pretty furry spaghetti in the fridge. It's really mind-boggling to me because I know her parents and they're the cleanest people I've ever met.

I have work tonight and I really want to break the $500 mark. For some completely irrational reason $500 just seems like a lot of money as opposed to $450 or even $480. Half a grand for 6 hours of work just seems extravagant and I love it.

Too bad I've been hovering around the $350 mark for the past week. And its not due to lack of customers.

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