Friday, February 21, 2014

Back to the Grind

Worked Wednesday, yesterday, and will be working tonight. My life is completely identical as it was 4 years ago, except for my ga tech diploma sitting on my dresser still in its cardboard tube.

Wednesday was decent, has a vip at the very end of the night with one of my old customers from back in the day. Last night was horrible. I got demoralized very early on in the night and never recovered. I definitely spent more than 1/2 my work hours in the dressing room playing phone games. I blew .00 on the breathalyzer both nights. Reminds me of my early stripping days where I was actually nicknamed double zero by the house mom because that's what I always blew. I'm thinking (hoping) tonight will be good. I think I have a customer who does 1 hr vips coming in; I really need that to pan out!

The club is the same but different. The girls are...not as pretty as I remember. The hiring standards seem to have fallen. Most people would think this would be a good thing for...less trashy looking strippers...but unfortunately with the trash-tastic look also comes more raunchy behavior. It's hard to convince a guy to get a second dance from you when there's some girl doing a solid 3 minutes of dick bouncing within his field of vision. Plus I'm just not back in my stripper groove yet. I still have approach anxiety - but that will disappear with more hours logged in the club.

Knuckles is dealing alright so far, but I can tell it is only a matter of time before things come to a head. One thing I learned from my time with the Mexican is that quitting my job will not ensure a functional (monogamous) relationship, and will lead to heavy drinking and depression.

I'm attending a festival on Saturday; the same festival that ended in me being strapped to a gurney and hospitalized a few years ago. Definitely not going down that road again. I actually haven't had a drink since last Saturday come to think of it.


Anonymous said...

You're life is positioned too deeply in fake jewish-american eroticism. I don't envy you.

Anonymous said...

You're life is positioned too deeply in fake jewish-american eroticism. I don't envy you.

Anonymous said...

You're life is positioned too deeply in fake jewish-american eroticism. I don't envy you.

Bathwater said...

i didn't know only Jews liked strippers. Anyway, you are wiser than most but it is still not the enviroment for you. don't be surprised if more school is needed. I hear that is the case these days. i hope Hawaii is the ticket for changes.