Friday, October 25, 2013

Being a loser

Not so much going on...

I still haven't gotten my ass out of state to work a weekend and make some cash. I'm not skinny enough right now. Working at the club put enough pressure on me to maintain my weight (well, for the most part) no matter what. If I felt like eating junk food all I had to do was picture myself naked with cellulite and fluff dancing around at work and I could resist. Now there's no reason for me to be thin - not that I've gotten obese (or even overweight), but I'm just not at my 'comfortable in public" weight.

The Mexican called me the other night. Asked if I wanted to go to the bar with him and his friend. I said no. I don't much miss him anymore. I just get annoyed with the type of girls he hangs out with. It kind of hurts my ego that he considers retarded waitresses and skanky coworkers better to hang out with than me.

I don't want to fall in love with anyone - I just want everyone to be in love with me.


Bathwater said...

This sounds familiar, (Nancy could be saying the last line). Something ruin even the best of you girls inside.

Unknown said...

This is Jennifer Lambert, from We really like your site and would like to do a guest blog, or even an article about your site. We could pick the topic, or you can pick it for us, and our staff will pull something together that I'm sure your site visitors might like. You can see our articles and interviews at

TheHappySociopath said...

Hey Jennifer, I'm not sure how to contact you, but I would be glad to be featured on your site.