Monday, September 16, 2013

The aftermath

I'm beginning to realize that my stripping career made a definite and perhaps permanent impact on my world view and personality. While I was a stripper I convinced myself that I could compartmentalize and depersonalize with the best of them, but I guess even I'm not that talented.

When how you look is your greatest occupational concern your perspective becomes skewed. Not to mention how making $400 in an hour leads to disappointment and discontent when entering the 'real world' and realizing that $400 is now 16 hours worth of actual sober and clothed work.

As I've mentioned I've been toying with the idea of stripping one or two weekends a month (out of town) to help alleviate the boredom/itch. Either that or go the sugar daddy route. I don't think I'm cut out for the sugar daddy thing though. I prefer a more cut and dry exchange of services.


Trish said...

Why not? If you "got it flaunt it" girl. I'd trade 400/hr anyday! There is plenty of time to fall back on sales, like when you are old and sagging. ;)
Love your story.

Anonymous said...

I kinda get what you are saying. A couple of friends dance and they are almost paraphrasing you- they both want to be done but still get pulled back once and awhile.