Sunday, July 14, 2013

One week

So I've been completely alcohol free for one week and one day. I feel amazing. I guess I haven't been sober this many consecutive days since last summer when I did my little 2 month sobriety stint. It's like I have a whole new personality; to the point where people around me have noticed a change in my demeanor.

I'm pretty sure I've also landed myself a grown-up job. It's a marketing position, I'm excited to see how I like it.

Unfortunately I do find myself missing work. Not my club, specifically, but stripping. I'm starting to play with the idea of traveling out of town one or two weekends a month to work in various clubs in the southeast. To help with some extra cash and to alleviate some of the boredom I'm feeling being a normal person. We'll see.

Being sober is going to lead to an extra boring blog - I now realize that most 'drama' in my life is alcohol fueled. Imagine that!

1 comment:

Bathwater said...

Find yourself another man, that will add drama :).

But I do know what you mean, the most interesting parts of my blog center around the fucked up things those around me do.