Monday, February 21, 2011

Done and done

I finally ended things with ga tech kid.

We met up on Friday after my classes (and tanning). We were eating lunch at some Mexican restaurant and I brought up a text he had sent me a few days ago consisting of two words; “I’m done”.

“What was with that ‘I’m done’ text the other day-was that meant for me?”

“Uhh, I was stuck in traffic and feeling frustrated with our situation…”

“What do you mean?”

“I feel like you aren’t making any effort to be with me. It’s like you don’t even like me.”

“Hah! I’ve heard that before…” “I didn’t think we were really doing anything serious.”

“Well I’m starting to develop a lot of feelings for you and I care about you a lot.” ”I think this relationship could be a long-term thing…Of course I have a lot of issues with what you do for a living, and there’s a lot of stuff I have to block out, but you have all the qualities I look for in a partner.”

The conversation went on for a little while longer. I brought up distance and our schedules as factors, but I honestly know none of these things are the problem. I also knew at this point that I needed to end things.

I told him to call me after work.

Went out to the bars with my friends as usual, and got the call around 10:30. I told him to meet me at the bar, where we stayed until closing. After dragging one of my very drunk friends to her room, we started talking in my friend’s kitchen.

I don’t feel like typing out the whole conversation, but it basically boiled down to me telling him that I didn’t feel like things were working and that the chemistry just wasn’t there.

I was a bit brutal about the entire thing, peppering our conversation with jabs about his economic situation, shitty living situation and lack of sense of humor, and looking back I wish I hadn’t mentioned those things. Not because they aren’t true-they are-but because they aren’t the real reasons I didn’t want to be with him. When it came down to it, the attraction (physical and mental) just wasn’t there, and without that how can there be a relationship?

Of course he was upset after this. He mentioned that he felt like he could really be himself around me and that he had become quite attached to me, but at this point I just didn’t care. It’s not fair to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t care about you.

He drove himself home, as did I.

I honestly feel so much better now that I got that over with.

In other news, I’m buying a tent so my friends and I can go camping, because that will be hilarious.


Bathwater said...

Good for you, a tent is just what you need.

And good for breaking it off with the guy too bad it didn't work out though.

John Dantzer said...

It's good not to string people along. Especially GA Tech kids. They are the most sensitive of kids.