Sunday, November 28, 2010

Number 5

So I definitely slept with georgia tech kid last night. The one I met walking back from the football game. He called me a few days after we met (this was in October) but I ignored him like a bitch. Then I contacted him a few weeks ago and we were supposed to meet up but I cancelled (aka got too drunk and didn't show up). All of this probably made him think I'm a terrible person but I'm not.

The only way I can interact with guys is if I'm a) drunk and b) in an impromptu situation. I cannot do the whole planned date thing unless I've already slept with them.

Anyways, I decided that he wasn't too bad and went back to his place instead of my friends' condo where I had planned on staying. His apartment was tragic. Messy and terrible. Really old appliances and just...sad. Apparently I like these kind of guys. With all the wealthy men I go on dates with I always end up liking the poor ones.

This kid does have his degree and is in grad school at tech so that's good.

Back to the story. So I'm rummaging through his stuff like I generally do-checking out his passport and the contents of his fridge (nothing but bud light...)-and of course I suggest more drinking because yeah. I had already decided I was going to sleep with him at this point. I needed to sleep with someone besides the ex and this guy didn't squick me out like most guys. I didn't feel repulsed by him touching me, which is a good sign.

So had sex, went to bed (futon on the floor, of course!), woke up and went to McDonalds for breakfast! I also drank a delicious bud light breakfast style.

He had to work today, he works at a restaurant...I know how restaurant employees are and that makes me nervous but happy. At least I know he likes to party. He mentioned lunch or something tomorrow. I think I'll go out with him again. For some reason I kind of like the kid and think he's a good person.

Friday, November 26, 2010

On the topic of insanity

Worked Thanksgiving night and it wasn't as good as in past years. Made just under $500-and more than half of that was from stage. On one stage set I made $228 on stage in all ones. Nice but annoying because I had to face them all before I could put them through the money counter and trade them in for bigger bills.

The crowd was really young and annoying. I didn't go shopping after work like I had planned because I didn't make my goal (at least $700).

This morning I was woken up at 8:30 in the morning by a phone call from a man we'll call T. T called to tell me that a friend of mine was ready to be picked up from the police station. I wasn't even aware that said friend had been in jail for the last three days but apparently this was the case.

My friend had been arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. Not surprising. This girl is crazy. Not just normal 'girl' crazy, but paranoid schizophrenic crazy. She has been involuntarily committed to mental institutions before and I'm pretty sure she's on her way there again.

I've never been this close to someone as crazy as her. She's convinced that the feds are following her. Every goddamn car beside us, in front of us or behind us is a fed. Every phone she uses is bugged. When her phone cuts out it's because the police are blocking the signal. She told me she can communicate with the feds telepathically. One of her caps just came off her tooth and she's convinced it happened on purpose and it's the government trying to kill her a la tooth decay. She makes all these weird hand gestures and the volume of her voice will go from sane person volume to blasting schizophrenic volume in a split second.

Unfortunately for her she's pissed off a lot of people and if she doesn't get some professional help she's going to end up dead or in jail.

There's nothing I can really do for her at this point because I'm sick of it. I'm sick of my life being interrupted.

She's a brilliant artist. The lyrics she comes up with are genius. Her memory concerning music is incredible.

All the labels that have been interested in her refuse to sign her because she's a goddamn liability.

I don't know what to do. I talked with her ex and he told me to drive her to the hospital so she can get help, but she's 24 so if she doesn't want to go she doesn't have to. She's going to have to get baker acted again.

She stopped taking her meds before because she says it messes with her creativity concerning music. I'm sure this is true, but I feel like it's better that she's able to live a somewhat normal life without musical genius than end up in an institution with her musical ability intact or six feet under. Ugh.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Out of pills.

I really want to sleep for a while but unfortunately I only had 4 sleeping pills left. Enough to put me to sleep but not enough to knock me out for a good 12-16 hours.

I drank two bottles of wine tonight. I'm not sure how many shots that translates to.

I had a decent night on Saturday. Little asian man was there and I had an hour vip. My vip kept rubbing his face on my ear and his face was stubbly. This resulted in my ear being rubbed raw so I had to tell him to stop. When I went to the dressing room afterwards my ear was all red.

Last night was kind of shitty. I sat with this guy who I've sat with once before. I kind of have a crush on him. He's a police officer. He said if we go shooting he'll bring his all his guns (incuding a machine gun!) and I can shoot them.

I texted the ex today and asked him to come to the club for thanksgiving. He tried to start some kind of argument/conversation and I just felt sad. I know he just wants to hang out with me to fuck and it breaks my fucking heart. For some reason I miss him so much and I just wished he liked me for more than sex.

I hate men.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

MMA psycho

Last night was my best money night this week. Still wasn't great, but I walked with almost $500 and only worked 5.5 hours.

The little asian man is back. He'd been gone for about 3 weeks because his mom was sick but she finally passed away. I sat with him for much of the night and made most of my money there.

The other customer of mine that night was a fucking psychopath.

I was on the main stage for my first stage set of the night and a larger blonde man with a fresh black eye came up and tipped me a $20. Then about 2 minutes later he came up to the stage again and tipped me another $20. He tells me to come see him after my set and I'm like "yes sir!"

So I go over to his table and sit. He immediately hands me another $20 upon my arrival. Then things start to get weird. He tells me he's an MMA fighter and he had a fight earlier in the day, hence the black eye. It's pretty brutual as far a black eyes go, the whole left side of his face is swollen and bruised and his cheek bone feels broken (yes, he made me feel it). He seems ok with this. He immediately orders two shots of tequila for himself and a shot of vodka for me.

When the shots come he aggressively squeezes the lime into the shot and then tosses the juiceless lime at a girl's ass who is dancing at the table beside us. Hmmm. She turns around and he just smiles at her and then hands her a $20. I guess she decides that the $20 is worth not making a fuss and turns back around to continue her dance.

Mr. MMA is not done with his shenanigans yet.

He starts flinging stuff off the table like a child throwing a tantrum. The ashtray, cigar menu, redbull can, and an empty box of cigarettes are all casualties of his outburst. I start to feel annoyed and tell him I need to go walk around and make some money. He hands me two more $20s and tells me to stay. Ugh.

He then decides to shove a $20 bill into a beer bottle. Once it's in there he turns to an innocent bystander at our table and tells him he can get it out. He takes the bottle and smashes it against the base of the table, shattering the bottle. Not only is there broken glass all over the floor, he managed to cut his hand during the incident, so his hand is all bloody. Of course he doesn't notice right away and gets some blood on my new white top. "you just got blood on me sir," I say in a rather annoyed tone. He hands me two more $20s. He pours some beer on his hand to get the blood off.

The fun isn't over yet, though. He decides to go back to harassing every customer within a 3 ft. radius of himself. He throws a straw at one guy's head. He then makes fun of another guy's jacket. This goes on and on until I finally tell him that I need to go because he's acting like a child and he's going to start a fight. He gives me 40 more dollars and I get the fuck out of there.

About 7 minutes later I see him being escorted out by two bouncers and have a happy party in my head. At least I made $180 off him and only sat there for around 30 minutes.

Still, I'm not entirely sure it was worth it.

The ex started laying it on pretty heavy yesterday and casually mentioned that we should hang out again. Hmmm. I think we're both kind of lame, really.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm a poor whore

This week was a vortex of suckiness.

Monday I made just over $200.

Tuesday I lamed out and didn't even go to work!

Wednesday I left with $150.

Thursday my grand total was...$300!

Holy fuckballs. I wrote a fat check to the Georgia Department of Revenue this week to the tune of $900 and I wanted to buy a new laptop this weekend. I guess I'll work tonight and tomorrow and try to scrounge up $1000 between the two nights.

I know exactly why I haven't made any money, too. Tons of tactical missteps. I'll have a guy call me over and instead of going over and sitting with him I go talk to a regular (who doesn't spend money) or one of my stripper friends. Then about 7 minutes later I'll see him go to vip with another girl.

I don't even get too angry or care too much about this. I'd rather not do vips to be honest. If I could consistently make $300-$400 a night without ever doing vip I'd do that. Unfortunately that's not usually possible these days. I do remember when I first started if you worked the floor all night you could make $500 of floor dances alone.

Hell, on the first thanksgiving I worked I made almost $700 off the floor alone. I need to get back to that!

I'm feeling like a fatty blob mess today because my diet has really slipped this week. On Wednesday night I ate potato skins at work that were covered in cheese, bacon and sour cream. Along with a hefty dose of alcohol.

Last night was the worst. I had a huge piece of cake before work. Then 6 or 7 shots of vodka at work and a redbull that wasn't sugar free. Before I left, I ate a snack bag of lays potato chips. Then I smoked a ton of fucking weed when I got home and knocked out an entire bag of ranch doritos snack mix. Not a snack sized bag, either. I threw the bag away without even looking at the calories because holy fuck, I know it was a lot. Today it's vegetables and calorie free drinks for me.

Apparently the ex is living near me again. We had a short conversation yesterday in which I was informed of this move. Not sure at this point how or why it matters.

Then I got an email from the ex last night talking about communication and a link to an article talking about the psychological differences between men and women with regards to communication. I have a feeling this email was somehow prompted by our earlier conversation, but maybe I'm just being self-absorbed.

The ex always sends out these emails after we have any kind of conversation or argument. He'll send them out to his entire contacts list though, so I don't know. This last email had slightly more palatable content than usual. I'll take evolutionary psychology bullshit over law of attraction new age bullshit any day of the week.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Last Wednesday I got replaced in vip.

I had an hour vip with two guys and another girl. Apparently the other girl had told the guys that the hour would cost them $300 (this is the minimum we're allowed to charge and most girls wont go that low). After we get into the room the waitress comes in to collect the room fee of $100 per guy for the hour. Then she tells the guys that they need to pay us up front and asks how much they owe us. $400, I blurted out. The guys stammered a bit and then the other girl tells me that she told them $300 earlier. Fuck. They had money, they would have paid the $400 if retard hadn't opened her trap and low-balled that shit.

So now I'm pissed because I'm only getting $300 for my hour and that's not a good way to start off a vip. At least they paid with cash.

My guy wasn't too bad, a bit handsy but listened when I told him "no." Then I notice that the other girl's dude had pulled his penis out. She's visibly upset about this and he reassures her with

"it's ok, they won't even notice."

Uhh, incorrect. I noticed your tiny white limp excuse for a dick hanging out of your pants you dumb piece of shit. Whatever.

About 40 minutes into the vip I tell my customer that I have to go to the bathroom and I'll be right back. I headed to bathroom and tried and waste some time in there. Then I went to the dressing room to check my phone.

I finally decided it was time to head back to the room (I was gone maybe 5 minutes) and as I entered I saw a girl. Some fake-tittied asian bimbo dancing before my customer. The waitress is in there and the whole thing was quite awkward. I figured out pretty quickly that I'd been replaced.

"So, uh, I guess I'm done here," I muttered as I collected the rest of my outfit and exit the vip.

What the fuck? Did they think I just wouldn't notice this? Did they think I wasn't going to come back?

Even more hilarious was the fact that my customer kept complimenting my boobs and telling how nice they were and how he picked me because I have nice real boobs. His exact words were

"That's why I picked you, I hate big fake tits."

...My replacement not only had fake boobs, she had poorly done fake boobs. The kind that look like they're melding together in the middle.

Honestly I didn't care too much about being replaced since I got paid and didn't have to be in there the entire time, but I'm pretty sure I still bitched about it to everyone.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

Last night seemed pretty dire when I arrived.

There were a ton of girls (there weren't really but all the pretty girls were there). There was a distinct lack of customers. I did two shots at the bar (on a regular's tab who wasn't even there!) and didn't feel buzzed at all.

Then as I am feeling happy for myself for doing four dances for a customer after my stage set I see my stripper friend go into vip. About 45 minutes into the night bitch gets a vip. Of course I was just being jealous, but it's impossible not to be in those sorts of situations.

I am sitting with these two redneck dudes for a while because they are buying me lots of shots. We're playing this game where I do two shots to their every one. I'm about 7 shots in (counting those two I did at the bar and a single one I did with another customer) and starting to feel a bit drunk. I see my stripper friend (the one who got the vip) sitting with some rich looking dudes and start to feel annoyed. There are two guys and she's the only girl over there. I decide to go over and try and procure a ride from her while also giving her an opportunity to include me in their little pow-wow, but no; she blows me off.

At this point I'm getting really pissy because I am always getting that girl in on my vips. About 10 minutes later I see her go back with the guy she was sitting with.

I have a stage set and am practically fuming at this point.

Finally I get a break when a waitress approaches me and tells me a customer at her high top wants me and mentions that I should definitely go (meaning he has money). As soon as I waltz over to him he says "let's go in the back", and I'm like 'cha-chinnnng'.

About 10 minutes into our vip he asks me how much he owes me. "$200, but our time isn't up yet." (I didn't get the money up front but I know he has it 'cause I saw it when he paid the waitress so I'm not worried about getting stiffed). He then hands me the money plus $50 extra and says he thinks our time is up. Ok, whatever. If you're unhappy with my vip then maybe you should have talked to me about what goes on before you insist on going back there Mr. moneybags. Anyways, we leave the vip super early and this always makes me feel like a whore because I feel like everyone is assuming I finished him off early or something. I dunno.

I'm feeling a bit better about the night and start to do a lot more dances.

With about two hours left in the night I'm walking around and my vip guy motions for me to come over. I give him a confused look and point to myself to verify it's me he wants. He nods his head so I head over. Then, I kid you not, he says "let's go to the back again." ... Uh, okay.

So we're back there a second time and he hands me $250 right away. Now this is just really weird because we didn't talk or anything the first time so I know it's not my personality he likes. Plus he left super early (and he sure as hell wasn't satisfied) the first time and seemed bummed about my dancing.

I start dancing for him again and about 10-15 minutes into it he asks what we can do differently this time. "uh, nothing really," I say. God, men never learn. This time he does finish out the vip instead of leaving early. When time is up he actually asks me how much it would cost to stay a bit longer. Then he checks his wallet and sees that he has no money left so he decides to leave. He leaves the room and doesn't even wait for me to put all of my outfit back on. Whatever, he is kind of weird and I'm just happy to be paid.

Near the end of the night I'm over by the front door flirting with the bouncer and my vip is walking out the door. He gives me a pat on the shoulder and says something to the effect of "good luck kid". I don't even know. What a weird job.

So I left not broke (I by no means banked, but I did make over $500 so all was not lost).

When I checked my phone last night I noticed that the ex had called. He's been texting me a bit lately and I've been completely ignoring him. It's funny how when I ignore him he wants to talk. I haven't seen him for nearly two months now and haven't talked with him nearly as long.

I think I've finally gotten bored of him.