Friday, August 6, 2010

My new clean life

Im in my new place and it's really nice. My furniture is beautiful. I'm really bored and lonely though. I've been living with people for the last year and half so I have to get used to being by myself again. Time for all my destructive behaviors to start up again I suppose.

I had a dream about Colorado guy last night. Kinda odd. I can't even remember the content of the dream. I think we were sitting on the couch, which makes sense as it was one of our main activities in conjunction with the consumption of alcohol. I kinda miss him. I flipped out on him last time he called and told him to stop calling me. I was having a shitty night at work and was in a sour mood. Plus I was frustrated at how things were going with the Ex.

The Ex is out of town this weekend. I've been playing tons of chess against the computer. I've probably logged about 50 games so far, which is a lot for fucking chess. I need to get really good so I can beat his cocky ass.

I resume work tomorrow. Yay. Sort of yay.

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