Sunday, November 22, 2009

Painless week (sort of).

I worked a lot last week and it was a fairly fruitful one. Made over $500 every night I worked, which in these times I'm very happy with.

On Thursday I had 2 vips.

The first one was a half hour and he was the adorable 'never been to a strip club' type. I could tell right away by the way he kept his hands to his side like a good boy. Easy Peasy.

The second guy was pretty awesome as well. I sat with him for almost the whole night, but I got close to $600 out of him, so it's all good. I actually enjoyed him as a person, which is rare.

Both guys were married, though. This job makes me feel quite skeptical about marriage. I doubt I'll ever get married anyways. I don't really have much to offer another human being.

I'm working this Thanksgiving, so hopefully that will be good.

On the other hand, I crashed into a tile floor last night and probably have a concussion as well as a nasty bruise on my hip/thigh. At the time of impact I was stoned and had been drinking so I didn't feel much of the pain. Today is a different story.

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